ECGA, founded in 1995 and based in Brussels is the voice of EU carbon and graphite producers, including the EU based graphite electrode producers going into Europe’s steel and foundry industry, electrodes and cathodes for the aluminium and ferroalloy industry, as well as a wide variety of specialty graphite and carbon products for applications ranging from electric motors to modern battery technology.
Who we are
Since 1995,
ECGA represents the European Advanced Carbon and Graphite Materials Industry in Brussels,
with 29 Members in Europe and outside of it.
of EU based production of

Natural Graphite

Soderberg Anodes & Paste

(aluminium industry & foundries)

Graphite Electrodes (steel ind.)

Battery Anode Material
The forum
ECGA provides a formal platform in which the members evaluate the impact of European policies and legislation on the industry and define common positions and actions as well as foster cooperation in technological developments.
The interface
ECGA is the interface between the European carbon and graphite industry and the European authorities as well as international or intergovernmental bodies. It is committed to establishing a constructive dialogue with the EU institutions in order to ensure early consultation in all those areas of policy and legislation affecting the industry, and to asserting the industry’s views and positions.
The advocate
ECGA is the advocate of the European carbon and graphite industry promoting the benefits and values of both the products as well as the industrial sector with regard to the Sustainable Development Goals in general and for the EU society, endeavouring to uphold the industry’s interests and raising public awareness accordingly.